General Obligation and Assessment Bonds

Our public finance lawyers serve as bond counsel, disclosure counsel, and underwriter’s counsel on all types of limited and unlimited general obligation bonds, both voted and nonvoted.

We represent cities, counties, school districts, and special districts in the issuance of limited and unlimited general obligation bonds. We work with state tools for funding infrastructure, including Local Revitalization Financing, the Local Infrastructure Financing Tool, Community Revitalization Financing, and levy lid lifts.

Our attorneys also are experienced in the area of assessment financing, including local improvement districts and utility local improvement districts. We serve as bond counsel on excise-tax backed financings, including lodging tax bonds, sales tax bonds, and bonds paid from other pledged excise taxes.

Pacifica’s attorneys are proud to have assisted clients as bond counsel in financing numerous projects, including:

  • Financing the acquisition of Kitsap Transit’s passenger-only ferries through the issuance of sales tax limited obligation bonds,
  • Serving as bond counsel in connection with King County’s ballot measure for voted bonds to improve Harborview Hospital, and
  • Financing elementary, middle, and high school facilities throughout the state as bond counsel to a number of school districts issuing voted unlimited tax general obligation bonds.