Regional and Interlocal Entities
Pacifica’s lawyers serve as bond counsel and as general or outside special counsel to a wide array of regional public entities, including metropolitan and other types of park districts, public transportation benefit areas, public development authorities, public facilities districts, transportation benefit districts, and entities formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act. Regional special purpose entities provide a vehicle for local governments to work together, collaborate and address larger regional issues, and pool limited resources.
Entity Formation and Governance under the Interlocal Cooperation Act
Our attorneys have relied on the Interlocal Cooperation Act to form joint boards, governmental administrative agencies, and governmental Washington nonprofit organizations. We also have paired multi-jurisdictional entities formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act with public development authorities for the purpose of providing capital financing for public facilities.
With our widely-recognized experience working with interlocal entities, Pacifica attorneys frequently are called upon to provide guidance on corporate governance options under state law and related policy issues, as local governments navigate the options available for regional projects. We frequently draft formation interlocal agreements, resolutions and ordinances, and other governance documents such as articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, and procedures, among others. After formation, Pacifica attorneys provide legal advice to regional interlocal entities on governance, procurement, interlocal and contract interpretation, finance, open public meetings, public records, contracting, service agreements, municipal law, and litigation matters.
Multi-jurisdictional entity clients formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act include various 911-dispatch agencies located throughout Washington State, the joint agency responsible for owning and operating a regional misdemeanant jail on behalf of its member and contract agencies located in south King County, and the joint nonprofit entity formed to provide contracting and procurement services to its member cities, among others. Our attorneys also assisted with the formation of the joint board responsible for cooperatively formulating affordable housing policies to address housing stability in south King County, the governmental administrative agency charged with consolidating and administering homelessness services throughout King County, and the public nonprofit corporation responsible for owning radio systems necessary to serve first responders in the performance of their duties.
Practice Attorneys

Deanna Gregory

Gerry Johnson

Jamie Lisagor

Faith Pettis

Matthew J. Segal

Jessica A. Skelton